UndercoverJello and ND4SPD's House
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Welcome to UndercoverJello and ND4SPD's HOME

4/18/03 - Just a notice to all ghg people. I was wondering if anyone with a good ftp program, please email me and let me know wot it is called, i have a new site, www.nd4spd.cjb.net it isnt finished because i dunno alot of html and am  a bit slow with Microsoft Front Page.
4/14/03-  Well, i fixed the Forum link, now you keep the same window, just thought it would make life a bit easier. Thats all, for now, maybe in one minute i will do something else.
4/9/03 - Unfortunately, UndercoverJello wont be updating the site for a while he fixes up his old comp or sumfink. But i, ND4SPD, the orginal idea thinker of the site will be ur host for a fun while.
Keep Cool - ND4SPD
4/7/03- Got really bored sitin here at the comp so i was thinkin bout workin on some of my projects but bugger that i'm too lazy...so i just decided to change the layout on here and update a few things...new forum link added to the Navigation Area...ans some other stuff.
3/27/03- Uploaded ND4SPD's Low Rider Hilux. GO GET IT!...its a sweet ride. Added A new decal pack by me...like anyone cares...Well a few little upadates done to the site....NEW LAYOUT TOO!... and thats about it.

copyright 2003 Undercover Jello and ND4SPD, all rights reserved.